Career DevOps Personal

DevOps in the real world

It has been a while since I wrote my thoughts about DevOps. Well, this time it is not just my realization but the reality of it.

I started to focus my career towards continuous improvement of developing applications. I have migrated from Asia to Europe not just to see the other side of the world but to meet other brilliant people that has the same passion as mine.

As I progressed, I have learned different technologies and techniques such as Cloud computing, Containerization, Clustering, Service Meshing, Infrastructure As Code, GitOps, Key-Value Management, Microservices, Domain-Driven Design, Test-Driven Design, Event-Driven Design, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery/Deployment that I have only read before. These technologies are the main tools that comprise next-level application today. Hence, learning the tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Vault, Terraform, Helm, Kustomize, and more was overwhelming.

But DevOps is not just about the tools that you need to use to productionize your application. Well, in my own opinion, it is about having a culture within the organization regardless whether it is small or huge team that sets up a happy environment where everybody is able to continuously improve and deploy their work with confidence anytime of the day. That said, there are work to be done like adding automation to conduct pre and post checks of your code; build artefacts with meaningful versions; having an opinionated development environment as your Swiss army knife tool; templates for proper documentation and version control; predictable code reviews; monitoring, logging, and alerting; securing and protecting your data; and last but not the least is to keep people happy and having fun.

There are still plenty of time to achieve my goal as an aspiring DevOps engineer. Well, maybe, I’ll not be able to reach it because it is a journey that has no end. I will just continuously become better and wise on choosing the right tools and making purposeful decision.

Career DevOps Personal

DevOps is indeed necessary!

Should I say? My day of being a programmer is expiring. And I have found a new career path that benefit both development and operations. You heard it right. To be a DevOps engineer!

I was so naive to think that my whole career will always be within my control. “Client requests to have this feature”. “No problem, I can do that”. “Done! Please check”. “Alright! It’s working. Please deploy it to live”. “Give me a sec! I’m doing backup now… Deploying… Done! Whew”. And it goes on like that for years. Later I realised, I need to step up my career and I cannot do it like this forever.

As I become a Tech Lead, I see frustrations to my teammate’s faces every day. Working for long hours. “Ugh! I hate it! I have to do something… Hmmm… Aha! If we can automate it, then we are able to reduce our frustrations and go home early”. Here comes continuous integration (CI).

We have started scripting our builds and put it in CI tools like Bitbucket Pipeline and Jenkins. Everyone were thrilled and asking for more. We have strengthen our skills by learning more everyday. Master our source code management (Git), unit testing, and packages. So that we can leverage on continuous delivery (CD) and continuous deployment (CD).

We have seen the importance of CI/CD in our operations. And we still have a long way to align everyone, not only tech people but the whole company, to adopt DevOps. I’ll be more than happy if everything we do is fully connected and automated.